Portol Marratxi
Exhibition _ “Residential care home competition in Pòrtol, Marratxí, Mallorca”.
Opening of the exhibition on June 26th of de 2017 at 19:00hrs, at the COAIB.
Exhibition _ “Residential care home competition in Pòrtol, Marratxí, Mallorca”.
Opening of the exhibition on June 26th of de 2017 at 19:00hrs, at the COAIB.
Open competition _ 1st Prize _ “Cohousing” Llar Jove SCCL.
Vivas Arquitectos is part of Llar Jove SCCL housing cooperative, winner of a competition for 32 apartments under a grant of use in Ulldecona st. 98 in La Marina de la Zona Franca, organized by the City Council of Barcelona (with Pau Vidal).
Ideas competition _ Second Prize _ Residential care home in Pòrtol, Marratxí, Mallorca.
Building for a residential care home with 100 units, organized by the Socialsanitary and Assistance Consortium of the Balearic Islands (with Pau Vidal).
Ideas competition _ First Prize _ “Block C – Illa Glòries”. Housing building in Glories Square, Barcelona.
Winners of block C for the construction of 80 housing units between Gran Vía, Castillejos, Caspe and Cartagena streets, organized by the City Council of Barcelona (with Pau Vidal)
Publication _ El Mundo Catalunya newspaper, cultural supplement.
“Essential architecture. New housing projects, new concepts.” Report on the office trajectory and projects.
Exhibition _ “Europe 40 under 40”.
Opening of the exhibition entitled “Europe 40 under 40” on February 24th of 2017 at 19:00hrs, at the Contemporary Space Athens, Mitropoleos 74, Plaka, Athens.
Ideas competition _ Fourth Prize _ Kindergarden, family space and sports hall in Sants, Barcelona.
Multipurpose building for a kindergarden, family space and sports hall in Sants, for Barcelona’s Infrastructure Municipality (with Pau Vidal).
Award _ “Europe 40 Under 40” 2016.
Vivas Arquitectos has been selected by the European Centre of Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and The Chicago Atheneum: Museum of Architecture and Design, as one of the 40 most promising and emerging architects and designers in Europe for 2016.
Restricted competition _ First Prize_Social housing in Ulldecona, Barcelona.
112 social housing units in Ulldecona, La Marina de la Zona Franca district in Barcelona, organized by the City Council of Barcelona (with Pau Vidal and Arquitectura Produccions).