Restricted competition_2nd Prize_New Regional Technical building in Sant Fruitós del Bages, Barcelona.
Regional Fire Department building, promoted by Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
Selected building _ La Chalmeta Cooperative Housing Block in the project “Espais Ocults”, Barcelona.
Series “Espais Ocults” 48H Open House during the Architecture Week 2021, showing the city transformation through guided tours of buildings under construction.
Publication _ La Vanguardia “Habitar la pell de l’edifici”.
Architectural critique by Llàtzer Moix on the housing for the elderly and temporary accommodation in Fort Pienc, Barcelona.
Exhibition and Pecha Kucha _ “Living alternatively, the Borda Experience and the new cooperatives”.
Presentation of the La Chalmeta cooperative housing block and panel discussion.
Construction start_Social housing in Palma, Mallorca.
30+8 apartments, 30 parking lots in J.Togores street, in Olivera district promoted by IBAVI (Balearic Housing Institute).
Restricted competition_3rd Prize_New Urban Police Station, Barcelona.
Territorial Police Station (unit 9) in Sant Andreu district, promoted by BIMSA (with Coll-Barreu arquitectos).
Conference_Panorama, ETSAB
Vivas Arquitectos present their projects in the Housing and City course at the architecture school of Barcelona.