Publication_ “Cohabitatge a Barcelona. Arquitectura des de / per la comunitat”.
Compilation of cooperative housing projects in Barcelona with the participation of the 32 cooperative housing units building ‘La Chalmeta’.
Publication_ “Cohabitatge a Barcelona. Arquitectura des de / per la comunitat”.
Compilation of cooperative housing projects in Barcelona with the participation of the 32 cooperative housing units building ‘La Chalmeta’.
Exhibition _ “Paisatges Habitacionals. Una mirada inclusiva i projectiva a l’habitatge col·lectiu a Catalunya”.
Presentation of the habitational landscapes created in the proposals of the IMPSOL competitions, in the Mercè Sala space (connecting lobby of lines L3 and L5 of Diagonal station). From June 7 to August 25.
Conference and discussion _ “Towards healthy, decarbonized and circular buildings” VII Congrés d’Arquitectura i Salut.
Vivas Arquitectos shares their most recent experiences with natural materials in public buildings; co-organized by the Grouping of Architecture and Sustainability and the Association of Geobiological Studies GEA.
Construction start_ Industrialized social housing Block J in the Casernes of Sant Andreu, Barcelona.
Construction of 56 apartments, promoted by the IMHAB (with Exe Arquitectura + Constructora del Cardoner + Certis, Obres i Serveis).
Restricted competition _1st Prize _ Social housing and temporary housing center in Mollet del Vallès.
90 apartments and 10 temporary apartments in Mollet del Vallès, promoted by INCASOL.
Publication _ La Vanguardia “Espais de relació exterior”.
Architectural critique by Llàtzer Moix of the 32 ‘La Chalmeta’ cooperative housing units in the Marina del Prat Vermell, Barcelona.
Publication_ “Habitatge. Barcelona 2015-2023.”
Presentation of the book “Habitatge. Barcelona 2015-2023” promoted by Ajuntament de Barcelona on Wednesday 29 March at 6 p.m. at the Gabriel García Márquez Library, c. del Treball 219.
Publication _a+t nº 57
Building of 32 ‘La Chalmeta’ cooperative housing units in the Marina del Prat Vermell, Barcelona.