Restricted competion _ First Prize _ Social housing, Sabadell.
Restricted competion _ First Prize _ Social housing, Sabadell.
Social housing, 116 apartments for VIMUSA in Can Gambus, Sabadell (with Jan Puig).
Restricted competion _ First Prize _ Social housing, Sabadell.
Social housing, 116 apartments for VIMUSA in Can Gambus, Sabadell (with Jan Puig).
Ideas competition _ Finalist 1st Phase _ Baena park.
South hillside park in Baena, Córdoba.
Restricted competition _ Special Prize _ Puerto Real railway.
Train area urban development Puerto Real, Cádiz.
Publication _ PAISEA 004. The street.
Three urban itineraries in the center of Madrid (with Robert Berenguer).
Publication _ Competition for 3 urban itineraries in Madrid.
Three urban itineraries in the center of Madrid (with Robert Berenguer).
Restricted competition _ Finalist 2nd Phase _ Ronda Marrubial, Córdoba.
Urban renewal of the Ronda Marrubial in Córdoba (with Robert Berenguer).
Ideas competition _ Second Prize _ 3 urban itineraries in Madrid.
Competition for 3 urban itineraries in the center of Madrid (with Robert Berenguer).
2006.07. Competition _ First Prize _ Stand B&B, Barcelona. Stand in Bread&Butter Barcelona’s fair for the fashion school Felicidad Duce (with Narcis Font).
Ideas competition _ First Prize _ Social housing La Mina.
Young architects competition. Social housing for INCASOL in La Mina, Barcelona.
Publication _ METALOCUS 16.
Competition fot the Olimpic landmark Paris 2012.